The pancreas is a very small but capricious gland, and if everything is not in order, then a person should refrain from favorite dishes and products. In order not to cause acute pancreatitis or an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, you should follow a diet commonly called the 5P table.
What can you eat if you have pancreatitis? We will talk about it in this article. Let's consider the most frequently asked questions about prohibited and permitted foods for this disease.
What vegetables can you eat?
I'm coming
Can you eat tomatoes if you have pancreatitis? As for tomatoes, the opinions of nutritionists are divided, some believe that it is very useful because it contains delicate fibers so necessary for the gastrointestinal tract and removes harmful cholesterol from the blood, which is very important for the pancreas.

Others believe that it is worth refraining from their use, especially during an acute process or even a mild exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. You should definitely not eat unripe tomatoes, which contain a lot of toxins that burden all the organs of the digestive system.
But fresh tomato juice made from ripe tomatoes (not from industrial bags, but squeezed from fresh tomatoes) is a very valuable product that stimulates the pancreas, especially when mixed with freshly squeezed carrot juice. You can also eat tomatoes stewed or baked. But in everything moderation should be observed, even the abuse of healthy food can affect the functioning of the pancreas.
Tomato juice is choleretic, that is, choleretic. If you drink it during an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, then, most likely, it will be even worse, because secondary reactive pancreatitis will develop, such as cholelithiasis. Excess bile drains into the common pancreatic duct, where it activates pancreatic enzymes that absorb not the food in the small intestine, but the gland itself. The result is acute pancreatitis, an operating table for pancreatic necrosis, and then disability or death.
Thus, tomatoes and tomato juice are allowed during remission of chronic pancreatitis, when there is no pain, swelling according to ultrasound, increase in amylase, diastase, elastase and other signs of inflammation.
All recommendations in this article are a reference to the 5P table for chronic pancreatitis in the recovery period after an exacerbation and outside of an exacerbation. To prevent acute pancreatitis, you should not drink alcoholic beverages (especially strong drinks) and certain medications.
Can you eat cucumbers if you have pancreatitis? Cucumber, despite being 90% water, is actually very rich in micronutrients and vitamins. You can eat cucumbers for this disease, moreover, a cucumber diet is sometimes prescribed for treatment of pancreatitis, when a person eats 7 kg of cucumbers per week, this loads the pancreas and prevents inflammatory processes in it. Again, everything is good in moderation, with excess consumption of cucumbers, especially if they contain nitrates or, even worse, pesticides, the benefits are reduced to zero.
Is it possible to eat cabbage and broccoli if you have pancreatitis? Cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage can be eaten, but it is better stewed or boiled. Common white cabbage, which we are most familiar with, has a very tough fiber, so it is forbidden to eat it raw, but after heat treatment it can also rarely be eaten. And of course, don't forget to avoid fried vegetables. And it is better to avoid sauerkraut because it is very irritating to the mucous membranes. Beijing cabbage can sometimes be eaten raw, but any type of cabbage should be included in the diet after a flare-up with caution.
Is sea kale healthy? The answer of nutritionists is yes, it is the healthiest of all species, since it contains a very large amount of cobalt and nickel, without which the normal functioning of the gland is impossible. Can you eat seaweed if you have pancreatitis? Yes, . . . Only for residents of Southeast Asia (Japan), because the enzyme systems there are different from European ones. In Japanese pharmacies, they even indicate that medicines may not help Europeans. Therefore, you should not eat seaweed during pancreatitis, especially during an exacerbation. It is not like other types of cabbage, this product is closer to mushrooms, that is, its use requires the mass release of pancreatic enzymes, which will lead to worsening of inflammation. Therefore, seaweeds, like mushrooms, are not given to children under 12 (they do not have the appropriate enzymes) and they are contraindicated in pancreatitis.
What fruits can be eaten during pancreatitis?
It is undesirable to consume all sour fruits, especially coarse fibrous fruits, especially during exacerbations. You can eat fruits only 10 days after the start of remission of pancreatitis. In case of chronic pancreatitis, you should also not abuse various fruits, it is enough to eat 1 of the permitted fruits per day. Of course, in terms of the content of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, they have no equal and are therefore useful for the gland, but the presence of coarse fibers harms its functioning:
- You can eat: strawberries, sweet green apples, papaya, pineapple, avocado, watermelon
- You can not eat: pears, all types of citrus fruits, sour cherries, peaches, plums, cherry plums, mangoes.
- During remission, experiments with eating different fruits are allowed, provided that they are thermally treated - in a double boiler, in the oven.
There are certain rules when and how to eat fruit with pancreatitis:
- Allowed fruit must be chopped, ground and ground as thoroughly as possible.
- Best served after baking in the oven or steaming
- You should not eat more than one fruit per day
- You should know exactly the list of allowed and forbidden fruits and know the medicines that you should take if you accidentally eat unwanted fruits.
Is it possible to eat strawberries and bananas during pancreatitis and why? Most nutritionists believe that the pancreas, without exacerbation of pancreatitis, can handle strawberries in small quantities, but everything is individual. It is better to refrain from eating bananas.
Is it possible to drink alcohol if you have pancreatitis?
Pancreas categorically rejects any alcoholic drink. Of all the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, this gland is the most sensitive to the toxic effects of alcohol. Unlike the liver, it does not have an enzyme that can break down alcohol. It is known that more than 40% of all cases of acute pancreatitis occur after drinking too much, eating fatty foods, or having a fun long party.
When drinking alcohol during chronic pancreatitis, there is a high risk of repeated attacks of acute pancreatitis, which leads to serious functional, anatomical destruction of the pancreas. And as you know, unlike the liver, this gland is not fully restored. And with each intake of alcohol, the formation of foci of fibrosis progresses, which essentially means that the pancreas is not only inflamed, but rotting.
So what should you not eat if you have pancreatitis?
Fatty food
The pancreas really does not like fatty foods, smoked foods, foods with high protein or fat content.
meat. Therefore, fatty meat (pork, duck, goose), especially kebabs made from it, cutlets, sausages, stewed meat and preserves should be Fatty fish - sturgeon, salmon, trout, salmon, herring, sprat, mackerel, catfish, as well as caviar and canned fish, salted and smoked fish are also excluded from the diet.broths. According to gastroenterologists, it is difficult to find a more harmful product for the pancreas than rich bone broth, aspic. And many people try to bring strong chicken broth to the hospital to improve their health. This is a big mistake!
Products containing artificial colors, flavorings, preservatives
They also do not spare the pancreas. There are practically no products on the shelves of our supermarkets without the chemical additives listed above, so recently the number of patients with pancreatitis of varying degrees of severity has been steadily increasing. It becomes especially dangerous for children, because they also consume large amounts of harmful chemical products called "kids' yogurt" (filled with preservatives, flavorings and flavor enhancers), children's smoked sausage, "kids' sausage" - by definition, it cannot be children's sausage. , children should not eat such food at all! ! ! And then we wonder why a 10-year-old child has pancreatitis?
You should not eat glazed cottage cheese, fatty cottage cheese, cheese, especially smoked and salted. Ice cream is also contraindicated, especially since recently it is made not from natural butter, milk and cream, but from palm oil, dry cream and milk, which go through several stages of chemical processes, which are very difficult for the gland. Such products enter the body. in the body.
As for drinks, the pancreas really does not like soda and lemonade, which cause bloating and are usually saturated with all possible dyes, sweeteners, flavorings and even preservatives. As for coffee and cocoa, these are also forbidden drinks, especially on an empty stomach. Strongly brewed tea and bread crumbs are also harmful to the capricious gland. Many manufacturers of soluble chicory claim that this drink is almost a panacea and can be drunk for gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. In terms of its effect on the gastrointestinal tract, soluble chicory is as harmful as coffee, so during the pancreatitis diet, it should be excluded or eaten only in very rare cases, not on an empty stomach, listening to your feelings; If you experience the slightest discomfort after consuming it, you should throw it away altogether.
Confectionery - Sweets, baked goods, chocolate - will stress the pancreas a lot.eggs. Hard-boiled or fried eggs are contraindicated.vegetables. Rough, hard and spicy vegetables such as radish, garlic, onion, lettuce, sorrel, mushrooms, legumes, bell pepper, onion (raw) cannot be eaten in any form. The remaining vegetables are very necessary, but only in boiled or steamed form.Fast food. Such food is dangerous even for a completely healthy person, and if we are talking about pancreatitis, then there are practically "poisonous" ready-made products - this is a direct path to a hospital bed.The reason. There are restrictions here too, you can't eat them raw, especially sour (citrus fruits, blueberries) and very sweet - grapes, figs, persimmons.
Proper nutrition - what can you eat if you have pancreatitis?
Everyone knows that the pancreas loves during exacerbations - hunger, cold and peace. In addition to exacerbations, it is very important how much, how often, when and what a person with pancreatitis eats.
It is very important to follow certain rules and diet, the main thing is to eat small amounts, quite often, preferably every 3 hours, limit food intake at night and, of course, not to eat certain types of food.
Compliance with these rules is the key to long-term remission of pancreatitis and a full life. What can you eat during pancreatitis without harming this small organ?
- vegetables:As we said, cucumbers are useful in the form of puree, tomatoes, preferably in the form of juice, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, beets, green peas - only baked or boiled. It is very convenient and healthy to prepare vegetable casseroles or vegetarian soups. White cabbage should be limited and eaten only in boiled or stewed form.
- Reason:Strawberries, sweet apples, pineapple, avocado in the form of compote, jelly, it is especially good to make fruit puree from apricots, and you can eat no more than 1 piece of watermelon or melon.
- Milk:Many people do not know whether milk is good for pancreatitis? It is not recommended to consume milk in its pure form, because it requires enzymes to break it down, which are already insufficient in pancreatitis. After 14 years, no one should drink milk in its pure form, except rarely and separately from other products. In pancreatic diseases, milk can cause both diarrhea and flatulence. Among dairy products, kefir, yogurt and other liquid fermented milk products are considered the most ideal. You can also eat cottage cheese, but with a fat content of up to 9%. It is very convenient and quick to make various kefir and lazy dumplings from cottage cheese. Sour cream and fatty, sharp hard cheeses are excluded, so only cheeses such as Gouda and Mozzarella remain.
- Meat:With meat products, everything is clear - there is no fat, therefore, only lean veal, chicken (without skin), turkey, boiled rabbit meat, you can also make soup with meatballs, soufflé and steamed cutlets.
- eggs:More than 2 eggs a week and only soft-boiled, the pancreas is very hard on the heart, so it is better to eat only the white.
- Porridge, cereal, pasta:This is the most dietary food. Oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina and rice porridge are useful. Barley and millet are excluded as very difficult to digest grains. Pasta can also be eaten with pancreatitis, adding a small amount of sunflower or butter.
- Fish:Also, fish should be lean, boiled or baked, you can make steamed cutlets. Pike perch, pollock, cod and pike are very useful.
- Country:Brown bread is one of the forbidden foods, so you can eat white bread, preferably dry, cookies can only be biscuits, sugar-free and sugar-free.
- Sugar:Few people can eat without sweet food; In pancreatitis, sugar is a strong irritant, but sometimes you can make your own jelly. But you should give up all sweets bought in the store, besides sugar, they contain such harmful chemicals that it is very difficult for the pancreas to deal with them. It is possible to occasionally treat yourself to marmalade, marshmallows or marshmallows.
- Drink:Only weakly brewed tea, preferably green, compote, jelly, decoction of medicinal herbs, rose hips. Mineral water is very useful for this disease.

Read the answer:
Is it possible to get goat milk?
Goat's milk is a very difficult product for the pancreas. Since its fat content is two and a half times higher than that of beef. People who traditionally use this product as a staple have enzyme systems that are more adapted to its use. But if you are not used to it, goat's milk can cause digestive disorders. Therefore, when introducing this type of milk and products made from it, you should be careful, start with small portions and gradually increase with normal tolerance. The absence of nausea, loose or fluffy stools indicates that the product is being absorbed normally.
Is it possible to get sour cream?
Sourdough, like other fermented milk products, is not contraindicated in chronic pancreatitis. The whole point will be in the fat content of the milk from which it (it) is made. Too rich milk, of course, is undesirable.
Is it possible to make yeast dough, puff pastry and gingerbread?
Baking yeast is not indicated during the exacerbation of pancreatitis. During remission, the yeast baked product should be dosed judiciously. Puff pastry is not contraindicated. The first place in gingerbread cookies will be the degree of enjoyment (in case of insulin and pancreatitis problems) and the glaze with which they are covered. Inexpensive pastries often use glazes based on refractory fats (coconut and palm oil), which do not improve the health of the pancreas.
can i have cinnamon
Cinnamon is a spice that is sold only in specialized stores or brought by distributors. What we buy in bags in hypermarkets is a cheaper option called cassia. This pseudo-cinnamon is linked to stories that it helps with type 2 diabetes. In fact, it is not the work of the pancreas, but the reaction of insulin receptors in the tissues. There is no decent evidence of this anywhere. In general, cinnamon increases the production of gastric juice, is a stimulant, so it is not recommended during exacerbation of pancreatitis.
Is it possible to eat liver - stomach, heart, liver?
Liver (heart, stomach), as well as liver-related products are not contraindicated in pancreatitis if they are boiled or stewed. It is better not to eat this food fried.
Is processed cheese, coffee, chocolate, bread possible?
It is advisable to choose processed cheese without spicy spices and a large amount of emulsifiers and preservatives. You should not use chocolate excessively. You can eat bread. Coffee is not recommended regularly and during exacerbations. The solution is to add milk and drink it rarely in small glasses.
Can I have brown and white rice and olive oil?
You can eat rice. Add olive oil to salads and other dishes as usual. without fanaticism.
Is it possible to pickle cabbage?
Cabbage brine is contraindicated as a hangover remedy because alcohol destroys the pancreas. In general, except for exacerbation of pancreatitis, in the absence of inflammation in the stomach or duodenum, a few spoons of salt water can not do any harm, but drinking it in glasses is not recommended.
Salted lard?
Fat puts more strain on the liver and bile ducts. In this case, the pancreas may be affected a second time. Against the background of remission of pancreatitis, you can eat lard, but in reasonable portions, a few pieces a day several times a week.